
Searching for data with given characteristics

Anonymous 5 years ago in Search for data updated by Archive Science Group 4 years ago 2


this is the first time I use the Archive Science Portal...

I would like to select all the spectra observed so far with XSHOOTER, is this possible? And if instead I want to search only for data taken under my program (of which I am the PI)? Even more complicated...if I would like to check the seeing and weather conditions at the telescope when the data were taken?

Thanks a lot,




Dear user,

thanks for your question and for using our ASP... 

Yes it is possible to select data taken with a given telescope, you will need to go on the top left corner on your screen and manage the query parameters, as I am showing in the following screenshot. 

When clicking on the button, a new menu will pop up: 

As you can see, only the first six show up by default but from here you can select a series of other useful searching parameters. , including e.g., the instrument, the Data Collection, The PI, etc.etc.

These will then appear on the left side menu and you will be then able to choose what you wish (e.g. all the X-Shooter spectra or only these belonging to your program).

Concerning your second question, you can do that programmatically ;) 

Have a look at this page: http://archive.eso.org/programmatic/#TAP ... here we provide very useful example and demo on how to retrive weather information on a given date or select objects with specific characteristics (like e.g. seeing or FHWM). 

I hope this helps!

Please do not hesitate to reply to this message if you need more clarifications.


Chiara, on behalf of ASG


Dear user,

thanks for your question and for using our ASP... 

Yes it is possible to select data taken with a given telescope, you will need to go on the top left corner on your screen and manage the query parameters, as I am showing in the following screenshot. 

When clicking on the button, a new menu will pop up: 

As you can see, only the first six show up by default but from here you can select a series of other useful searching parameters. , including e.g., the instrument, the Data Collection, The PI, etc.etc.

These will then appear on the left side menu and you will be then able to choose what you wish (e.g. all the X-Shooter spectra or only these belonging to your program).

Concerning your second question, you can do that programmatically ;) 

Have a look at this page: http://archive.eso.org/programmatic/#TAP ... here we provide very useful example and demo on how to retrive weather information on a given date or select objects with specific characteristics (like e.g. seeing or FHWM). 

I hope this helps!

Please do not hesitate to reply to this message if you need more clarifications.


Chiara, on behalf of ASG