Accretion Discs in Halpha with OmegaCam (ADHOC) DR1 is now available!

Archive Science Group 5 years ago 0

The ADHOC programme (096.C-0730(A) and 097.C-0749(A), PI G. Beccari) is equivalent to an OmegaCAM mini-survey targeting circumstellar discs in nearby Galactic star-forming regions. The scientific goal of this mini-survey is the study of the star formation history of several star-forming regions using deep, wide field, multi-band observations in the optical filters u, g, r, i and Hα, with depth reaching 21 AB mag in r. A total of eight star-forming regions in the Galaxy were observed.

This first data release, published on the ESO phase 3 on February 12th, includes reduced images and single-band sources list for two out of the targeted eight regions, in all the available bands. The two regions covered by science data products in the current release are Gamma Vel (08:09:00 -43:20:00) and Orion A (05:28:00 -07:15:00) for a total of almost 170 sq. deg covered. The products for the additional star-forming regions, including e.g. Lupus, Upper-Sco, Haffner 18, will be made available in future releases.

Data were reduced by CASU and are available via the Science Portal or programmatically.
Additional information is provided in the accompanying documentation.
