New version of the ESO Science Data Products Standard (V7)
The version 7 of the ESO Science Data Products Standard is now published! This document is the reference for users on how to prepare their data for the submission through Phase 3. Highlights of the revision are:
- A new data format was introduced for single image products. It allows additional ways of packaging weightmap, background, etc in extensions and will support future science data products from future VLT NIR imagers , e.g., ERIS.
- White-light images associated with IFS cubes must now be identified with a unique product category.
- In case of moving objects, more instructions are given on how to set up the source identifier.
- Vector-valued fields are supported for catalogue data. There is a maximum limit of 1500 elements for these vectors.
For more detailed information, please consult the change record from the previous version, which is available in the document. The new version of the Science Data Products standard can be downloaded as PDF document. The Phase 3 validation rules are currently being aligned with the SDP standard version 7. A summary of the implemented checks is available here.
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