ESO Science Archive: 10,000,000 Processed Science Files Downloaded … and Counting!

Archive Science Group 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 0


March 17th marked an important milestone for the ESO Science Archive with the download of the 10,000,000th processed science file by a member of the ESO community. The Science Archive is a major science resource: more than 35% of the refereed papers based on ESO data that were published in 2020 used it. Its data holdings are constantly increasing, and it currently includes more than 3,000,000 processed datasets from the La Silla Paranal and ALMA observatories, calibrated to remove instrumental and atmospheric effects.

These are spectra, images, data cubes, source catalogues, flux maps and interferometric visibilities (the 10,000,000th file itself was a spectrum from the GAIA-ESO Public Survey). These data products can be browsed and downloaded via an highly interactive and intuitive web application or programmatically with Virtual Observatory protocols and tools.

In addition to processed data, the ESO Science Archive also stores and serves all the La Silla Paranal raw data as generated at the telescopes and related calibrations. They too can be browsed via a dedicated web interface or programmatically. Dedicated software processing tools to calibrate and extract the science signal are available.
