
Polygon search on dbo.raw

Mathieu VdS 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 6


When I perform an ADQL query on ivoa.ObsCore with a polygon search, I get the same results as with the graphical search tool (650 hits).

FROM ivoa.ObsCore
WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('J2000', s_ra, s_dec), POLYGON('J2000', 93.47786,-63.86,87.47072,-63.91703,88.3048,-62.10095,94.85457,-58.15919,97.7867,-61.61193))=1
AND instrument_name='GIRAFFE'

When I try to do the same query on dbo.raw or dbo.ssa, I obtain an error saying 'Latitude values must be between -90 and 90 degrees'.


FROM dbo.raw

WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('J2000', ra, dec), POLYGON('J2000', 93.47786,-63.86,87.47072,-63.91703,88.3048,-62.10095,94.85457,-58.15919,97.7867,-61.61193))=1

AND instrument='GIRAFFE'

Why is it happening? Is my second query fixable?

I used the graphical search tool to draw the polygon and know the RA, DEC couples defining it.

Thanks in advance





to avoid the error, please add the following constrain:

AND dec BETWEEN -90 and 90

in this way you get 7 files as result.

The reason is that the raw database is not as curate as the products one, we are going to look into this, thanks for reporting!



to avoid the error, please add the following constrain:

AND dec BETWEEN -90 and 90

in this way you get 7 files as result.

The reason is that the raw database is not as curate as the products one, we are going to look into this, thanks for reporting!


Thanks for the quick answer. It indeed works with the new condition. But does it mean that I am losing results?

You are not loosing results since the GIRAFFE spectrograph used in the MEDUSA multi-object spectroscopy mode, allows the observation of up to 130 distinct targets simultaneously.

Hence, each science raw file generates N products, where N corresponds to the number of science fibres. N can be as high as 130.
Also, for those observation blocks where more than one exposure exists, the individual 1D spectra are stacked and also available as products.

For more information please check the products documentation: https://www.eso.org/rm/api/v1/public/releaseDescriptions/73

and the instrument pages and manuals available through https://www.eso.org/sci/facilities/paranal/instruments/flames/inst/Giraffe.html


Ok, thanks. I was just wondering what could be the side effect of the extra condition on DEC you advised me to use.

I knew that the number of hits would not be the same between raw and processed products because of what you explained. ;)

The additional constrain only removes entries with null values, when

something went wrong during the observation. We are fixing the behavior,

so in the next days, also the initial query will work.


This is very great. Thanks again to the archive team for the great support and the great tools!