
Add Planck map to Aladin Lite view in Science Portal (PLANCK R3 HFI color composition 353-545-857 GHz)

Anonymous 2 months ago updated by Archive Science Group 1 month ago 1

De support team!

I am not certain if this is the right place to post request, but it would be great if the Planck all-sky maps were also selectable in the Aladin Lite view in the ESO science portal.

thanks and best wishes

Feedbacks Suggestions



Dear User,

Thanks for contacting us,

indeed this is planned and a new version of the Archive Science Portal, containing also the Planck maps will be soon deployed.

Best regards,

the ESO Archive


Dear User,

Thanks for contacting us,

indeed this is planned and a new version of the Archive Science Portal, containing also the Planck maps will be soon deployed.

Best regards,

the ESO Archive