Your comments


Correct, one other possibility is that after selecting your data via the Science Portal, you can chose the option of downloading the shell script, as shown in the image, which will download the data.

You just need to make the script executable (chmod u+x ) and run it from the command line. Note: the download script requires wget to be installed on your computer.

I hope this helps.

Dear Thomas,

   many thanks for using the ESO forum. It is refreshing to see interest in disseminating astronomy at schools. If you are interested, more information on ESO outreach activities can be found in the ESO Supernova website.


    In the ESO website you can use our search for images at this link (that is poining to images of the Crux constellation). Alternatively, you can have a glance on the entire sky using our Archive Science Portal. Here you can navigate to the region of the sky you prefer either by introducing coordinates or by simply scrolling with the mouse (and you can also see astronmical images taken with ESO telescopes).

    An other website you might be interested in is: google-sky (the link currently points to the big-dipper constellation).

All the best,

the ESO Archive Science Group

Dear user,

   many thanks for using the ESO archive system!

To access to XSHOOTER data programmatically you can use a query similar to this one:

    target_name, dp_id, s_ra, s_dec, t_exptime, em_min, em_max, 
    dataproduct_type, instrument_name, obstech, abmaglim,
    proposal_id, obs_collection
    (INTERSECTS(CIRCLE('ICRS',109.66824871,-24.55869773,5./3600), s_region)=1 OR
     INTERSECTS(CIRCLE('ICRS',279.729582,6.27016,5./3600), s_region)=1
    instrument_name LIKE 'XSHOO%'

where you can include a list of INTERSECTS conditions connected with the OR logic (see these HOWTOs for further details). With this, however, you will still hit a limit in the number of objects to be queried. This is due to the maximum length of the url that could be sent to the TAP service.

It is not possible to overcome the 1000 object limit in the Archive Science Portal. If splitting your list in groups containing <1000 items each is not an option for you, an alternative can be found in this forum page. Here with provide a walk-through on how to get data given a list of star names with python. This requires the installation of the unofficial ESOAsg python package.

Enjoy your data!


Dear user,
    many thanks for using the Archive Science Portal! There are 3 ways to solve your problem:

  • You can expand the Query Parameter column in the Archive Science Portal (see figure on the right). From this you will be able to perform a more refined search for a given parameter. This is done by clicking on the little show input form arrow below each panel.
  • Alternatively, you can insert the ProgId you are interested in into the ESO XSHOOTER instrument specific query form.
  • Finally, you can also run a TAP query where you select instrument_name='XSHOOTER' and your favourite proposal_id:
        target_name, dp_id, s_ra, s_dec, 
        t_exptime, em_min, em_max, 
        dataproduct_type, instrument_name, 
        obstech, proposal_id, obs_collection, 
        proposal_id LIKE '084.B-0869%' 

Please let us know if this answer your question! and enjoy your data!

An additional way to obtain ESO archival data overlapping confidence contours of a gravitational wave event is the script get_data_from_gw_event part of the unofficial ESOAsg python module.

For instance, if you would like to get a link to the new ESO Archive Science Portal showing the data presents within the 50% confidence contours from the S191205ah_bayestar HEALPix maps you can run:

get_data_from_gw_event S191205ah_bayestar.fits.gz -level 50. --asp_link

more options are also available. For instance --download_data allows the user to directly download all the data, possibly restricted to a specific instrument (e.g., --instruments MUSE).

Dear user,

   many thanks for your question.

  We suggest you to explore our catalogue facility: where the content of all catalogues currently in the ESO archive is described. Reading your question, it seems that you may be interested in GAIAESO and AMBRE (but please check thoroughly that this is indeed the case and if there are other surveys that may cover your scientific interest).

  To access the content of the catalogue and to download the corresponding data, we provide a variety of options. For instance for GAIAESO you can:

  • query the Archive Science Portal for GAIAESO here;
  • directly explore the different columns of the catalogue here;
  • have access the data programmatically here;
  • use the phase3 page dedicated to the collection here.

Please let us know if this satisfy your request and/or if you would like to have further assistance.

Best regards from the Archive Science Group!

Check here for more on searches from polygons.

Dear user,
we investigated your question further.

We are assuming that you are interested in the sky cubes (i.e., off-target cubes used to subtract the background generated by the muse_create_sky recipe). These are processed separately to be used as a sky model for the on-target observations. Such cubes are not available on the Archive.

Yet, these exposures are later treated as actual science exposures and processed as regular on-target data. These latter pipeline-porcessed `sky` cubes are available under the category: PRODCATG = DATACUBE_FINAL_SKY. However, these are probably not useful for your goal, because they are `sky model` subtracted.

In general, particular products are not available, but there is always a possibility to download the raw data from the ESO Archive and process them. The muse_scibasic and muse_create_sky will produce the `sky` cubes (and are not extreme in hardware demanding).

Please let us know if this satisfy your question. In case, you can also take a look to MUSE cubes release description, where the different products available on the Archive are described.