Your comments

Check here for more on searches from polygons.

Dear user,
we investigated your question further.

We are assuming that you are interested in the sky cubes (i.e., off-target cubes used to subtract the background generated by the muse_create_sky recipe). These are processed separately to be used as a sky model for the on-target observations. Such cubes are not available on the Archive.

Yet, these exposures are later treated as actual science exposures and processed as regular on-target data. These latter pipeline-porcessed `sky` cubes are available under the category: PRODCATG = DATACUBE_FINAL_SKY. However, these are probably not useful for your goal, because they are `sky model` subtracted.

In general, particular products are not available, but there is always a possibility to download the raw data from the ESO Archive and process them. The muse_scibasic and muse_create_sky will produce the `sky` cubes (and are not extreme in hardware demanding).

Please let us know if this satisfy your question. In case, you can also take a look to MUSE cubes release description, where the different products available on the Archive are described.

Dear user,

thanks for your question. We are currently investigating on this.

Which intermediate products are you interested in?

The TAP query to obtain all the XSHOOTER observations of the quasars part of the MAGG sample is:

SELECT Xshoot.dp_id


      (SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObsCore 
       WHERE obs_collection = 'XSHOOTER') Xshoot, 

      (SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObsCore
       WHERE obs_collection = '197.A-0384') MyColl 

WHERE CONTAINS( Xshoot.s_region , MyColl.s_region)=1

Similarly, for the UVES spectra:

SELECT Uves.dp_id


      (SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObsCore 
       WHERE obs_collection = 'UVES') Uves, 

      (SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObsCore
       WHERE obs_collection = '197.A-0384') MyColl 

WHERE CONTAINS( Uves.s_region , MyColl.s_region)=1

Dear anonymous user,

thanks for your message and for using the Forum :)

The problem seems to be that there are no reduced products available for Sedna. In fact, also the search for coordinates (03:52:37 +07:58:18) produces no result.

There are a few FORS2/ISAAC observations of SEDNA in the raw data query form (pull-down menu selection in the green area=> "search by OBJECT FITS keyword", or input "sedna" in the "title" field of the pink area)

Finally, there are also external services like the "Solar System Object Image Search" at CADC that is scanning, among many others, some of the ESO image data collections (*) and returning lists of datasets containing potential observations of the SSOs. This service even provides links to the ESO archive for data download. I found 302 matching images (WFI, EFOSC, ISAAC, FORS).

I hope this helps, but please do not hesitate to write us if you still have doubts or problems.


Chiara (on behalf of ASG)

PS In the Archive Portal, if you put your mouse arrow on the target window, a small facet with instructions will appear automatically and explain what kind of input is accepted and in which format.


Dear user,

thanks for your question and for using our ASP... 

Yes it is possible to select data taken with a given telescope, you will need to go on the top left corner on your screen and manage the query parameters, as I am showing in the following screenshot. 

When clicking on the button, a new menu will pop up: 

As you can see, only the first six show up by default but from here you can select a series of other useful searching parameters. , including e.g., the instrument, the Data Collection, The PI, etc.etc.

These will then appear on the left side menu and you will be then able to choose what you wish (e.g. all the X-Shooter spectra or only these belonging to your program).

Concerning your second question, you can do that programmatically ;) 

Have a look at this page: ... here we provide very useful example and demo on how to retrive weather information on a given date or select objects with specific characteristics (like e.g. seeing or FHWM). 

I hope this helps!

Please do not hesitate to reply to this message if you need more clarifications.


Chiara, on behalf of ASG

Dear user, 

thanks for your question :) 

Since the Archive Science portal uses SIMBAD name, if you entry "Jupiter" as target, it will give you an error ("Target not resolved"). 

We are currently working on a new version of the archive portal that will allow a search with more generic names, but for the moment being, you can use the following query form:

setting OBJECT=Jupiter and selecting "Phase 3 target name" from the pull-down menu nearby (instead of SIMBAD). 

In this case, it is a constraint against the OBJECT keyword information (case insensitive string match, no coordinates involved).

The query should return you 83 datasets, including spectra and data cubes.

I hope this helps!


Chiara, on behalf of the ASG